Abortion Pills For Sale In Macassar 0785538335 Abortion Clinics In Macassar

Abortion Pills For Sale In Macassar


Everything you need to know about the health of modern woman.  Abortion: decision, facts, myths. The set is a combination of two medicines especially used for medical abortion (termination of pregnancy) Abortion is the removal embryo or fetus from the uterus. The expulsion of a fetus or embryo before the 26th week of gestational age (the age of pregnancy) is commonly known as a miscarriage.

Abortion Pills For Sale In MacassarInduced abortion is the removal embryo or fetus, usually by surgical or medication method. The number of induced abortions performed worldwide every year is approximately 46 million.  26 million abortions occur in places where abortion is legal, the other 20 million happen where any abortion procedure is illegal.

We offer safe Medical Abortion (also called Termination of Pregnancy or (T.O.P) for women who are up to 28 weeks pregnant. Depending on the stage of the pregnancy, we have one service available:


Medical Abortion:- ( Abortion Pills )

Medical Abortion It’s a non-surgical way to end a pregnancy by taking medications. Unlike a surgical procedure, Medical Abortion usually is done without entering the uterus.

Dr. Allon’s Clinics has been providing quality and affordable healthcare since 2004, giving us more than 14 years of unparalleled experience and an edge in reproductive health industry.

Our high standard of patient care is achieved by our staff’s dedication to exceed patient expectations in every possible way.

Deliveries are also arranged free of Charge to patients who prefer having the abortion in the privacy of their homes or distant clients.

Who can choose medical abortion.

You may choose the abortion if you are less than 26 weeks pregnant from the first day of your last periods.

How effective is it?

Medical abortion is approximately 95% effective.

Will I need a follow-up?

Yes. Your Physician needs to make sure the abortion is complete.

What if I don’t have a complete abortion after taking the medicine?

Your Physician will decide what option is best for you.

Cost Effective:

We are not here to charge you in excess to make money on Abortion Pills. But our concern is your health during early pregnancy and the later termination of the embryo.

Our management wants to reach medicines at the lowest cost, so that it is affordable for every woman.

We Can Deliver the Tablets to you.

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